Investment Management
WP Advisors is dedicated to helping you meet your investment goals through diligent oversight of your investment portfolio. Using a combination of in-house and independent third-party analysis, we design a personalized asset allocation strategy. By understanding your investment goals, risk tolerance, time-frame and diversification, we can implement what we believe is the best investment strategy for you, based on three key approaches:
An asset mix that endeavors to provide the optimal balance between expected risk and return for the long term.
An active approach that positions a portfolio into assets, sectors and/or individual stocks showing the most potential for gains.
A hybrid of both the Strategic and Tactical approaches.
We believe the Core-satellite approach is the most effective way to construct a portfolio. “Core” investments provide a broad foundation that may include U.S. stocks, large-cap international stocks, investment grade bonds and money market instruments. “Satellite” investments such as emerging market stocks and bonds, US public real estate (REITs & REOCs), commodities and high yield bonds provide additional diversification and potential for higher returns.
The potential benefits of adding satellite investments to a core portfolio include:
Increased diversification & reduced correlation
Lower potential risk
Higher possible reward
As always, we are committed to finding the most cost-effective and tax efficient investments. Expenses reduce investment returns for every investor. Since we have no proprietary financial interest in any strategy or investment product, we select investments that combine top performance expectations with the lowest possible cost.